Analyzing open source dependencies

RAOS evaluates the health and sustainability of GitHub repositories using a comprehensive set of metrics designed to provide a holistic view of a project’s vitality. Here’s a breakdown of how RAOS analyzes repositories:

Step 1: Data Collection

Our system gather data on various aspects of a repository. This includes but is not limited to, commit logs, pull requests, issue discussions, and release information. We also take into account external information sources, e.g. vulnerability databases. We ensure that all data is up-to-date to reflect the most current state of the repository.

Step 2: Metrics Evaluation

We divide our analysis into five key areas, each contributing to the overall health score of the repository:

Development Dynamics

  • Commit Activity: Tracks the frequency and consistency of code commits.
  • Pull Request Activity: Monitors pull requests and measure the average processing time from opening to merging.
  • Merge Duration: Assesses the responsiveness of repository maintainers to merge requests.
  • Release Activity: Evaluates the regularity and frequency of project releases.

Community and Collaboration

  • Bus Factor: Estimates the risk associated with the departure of key developers.
  • Contributor Count: Counts the total number of contributors to assess community size and diversity.
  • Community Engagement: Measures the level of user engagement through stars, forks, and active discussions.

Code Health and Quality

  • Codebase Size: Analyzes the total size and complexity of the codebase.
  • Code Quality: Uses static analysis tools to assess code standards and quality.
  • Documentation Quality: Evaluates the availability and thoroughness of documentation to support new and existing users.

Issue Management

  • Issue Activity: Tracks how actively issues are created and resolved.
  • Open Issues Ratio: Provides insight into the project’s efficiency in handling reported issues.

Security and Maintenance

  • Dependency Management: Checks for up-to-date and secure dependencies to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

Step 3: Health Score Calculation

Each metric is weighted based on its importance to repository health. The scores from each category are aggregated to produce an overall health score. This score helps potential users and contributors quickly gauge the robustness and activity level of the repository.

Step 4: Reporting and Insights

The final report provides a detailed scorecard, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. RAOS also offers actionable insights and recommendations for enhancing repository health, ensuring that maintainers can proactively manage their projects.

Why use RAOS?

By providing a clear and quantifiable assessment, RAOS helps maintainers, contributors, and users make informed decisions about engaging with or investing in a repository. Whether you’re looking to contribute, fork, or rely on a project, our health rating offers a crucial snapshot of the project’s current and future viability.